Behind The Curtains
This page is aimed at members of the orchestra but please feel free to browse this page and we hope that it gives you an insight into how we do things.
Frequently Asked Questions
What time do rehearsals start and end?
You need to be set up and ready to play at 7pm and we finish at 9:15. We have a 10 minute break.
Where do you rehearse?
Having rehearsed for years at a hotel in Stourport we have recently decided to build stronger links with local communities and are instead rotating our rehearsals between a number of local community halls (Fairfield, Hartlebury, etc). Not only does this keep the costs down but it helps rehearsals to feel more sociable - we provide free refreshments at the inteveral and have more of a chance for a chat (and cakes!).
When are rehearsals/concerts?
We use Muzodo to send times/dates/locations out to members. It also automatically publishes to a Google Calendar that can be seen on this website and you can also add it to your phone calendar if you wish so that you always have the most up-to-date information available. Muzodo can be accessed via a web browser and there is also a phone app that can be downloaded.
Do you have vacancies?
We always welcome new players, particularly string players. It's sometimes harder to double up some of the other parts for concerts but we're keen to develop links with local players so please do contact us and come along for a play to see what we are about, discover our repertoire and (hopefully) make friends!
Do I have to pay subscriptions and what does the money go on?
We are an amateur band so all musicians are required to pay subs. Subs are £50 per year. The money is spent on band equipment (e.g. new microphones, folders), new musical arrangements, marketing and room hire for concerts. The committee are mindful of making ethical and cost effective choices when purchasing.
Do I need to contact someone if I can't make a rehearsal?
Yes please and it is best to contact either the Chair or MD. We currently use Muzodo to gather information on future rehearsals so please ask Nick (trumpet) if you need access.
What is the dress code for concerts?
Black shirts/black bottoms for all. Shoes are good too!
How do I get access to the music?
Our pads contain hundreds of pieces built up over the years. Most are not commerically available but have been arranged specifically for us - originally by Les Pursey, then many by Bob Birch, Phil Rawle, and others.
A few years ago we scanned our entire catalogue and so the physical pads are now also available as an online repository shared with members using Google Drive.
A copy of our band handbook is available here and our constitution can be viewed here.
Committee Members 2023/24


Joint Secretary

Joint Secretary

Orchestra Leader